Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lesson 12- Try something

When was the last time you tried something new?
Yesterday the rain stopped. After a week of power outages and haunted printers, I decided I need to change my routine.

I picked up Valerie Fields (who is really my granddaughter) and we had a picnic in the backyard. For no reason, as Valerie Fields said. We fixed leftovers on pretty plates. I had ham and coleslaw and a piece of cornbread. Valerie Fields had a tortilla with cheese-and a boiled egg. When she noticed I had cornbread, she ate that, too. I put the tiniest piece of ham on Valerie Fields' plate. She turned up her nose. I asked her to try it, but I didn't beg.

After dinner, Valerie Fields wanted to ride her bike. Last week, Biker Mike took the training wheels off. She only had a couple tries then. She was fearless, but not competent.

It wasn't a great day for bike riding. It was windy. The ground was wet and I was tired. But Valerie Fields left the ham on her plate and walked the bike to the front sidewalk. She looked it over from top to bottom. She asked me questions about the hand brake. Something in her eyes told me a plan was forming.

She climbed onto the bike and fastened her helmet. When she asked me for a push, I ran a few steps to launch her. Then I let go. And Valerie Fields kept going. And going. She didn't wobble. She didn't fall. When the bike got stuck in the grass, Valerie Fields jumped off and started screaming.
"I did it. I did it, " she shrieked, as she jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh, I know how to ride a BIKE!" I ran to her.
"Valerie Fields," I asked as I hugged her. "How did you DO that?"
"I pedaled," she answered, without even thinking. "This time when you let go, I tried pedaling."

That tiny morsel of ham left on her plate paled in comparison to the challenge she had issued herself. In the wake of Valerie Fields' glory, I wanted to try something, too. Then I remembered the printer.

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